Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I love the Prairie sky!

A good reason to have your camera with you all the time! ;-)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hockey at WIW

All the Hockey players at Weekend In The Word came early for a tournament! It was a blast!

As you can see we were having a lot of fun!

I played defense with Tim Fehr and had a blast doing it!

Our Southern Alberta Team!

Photos courtesy of J.D King, Emily Jost and Lydia Collin!

Alberta Wildlife In The Spring

Swans have descended upon our wet fields.
When you go outside you can hear them even though you can't see them.

And they don't like it when you get too close! ;-)

Avery, Lydia and I were going down to the Coulee to see if the Bald Eagles were there.
On the way we were able to get this picture of an Antelope. We were driving along the
road going 60+ km/hr to keep up with him.

Hope Alberta Langemann