Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Stormy weather shoot!

Today I thought I would go out and shoot some. It was cold and stormy.
There was even snow in the air! ;-)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Photoshoot of Hope!

No words needed for these ones! ;-)

Monday, April 6, 2009

WitW pictures!

Hey there friends,

Here are some pictures from WitW! It was a great time of learning
and fellowship!!


Jer spreading the "good news."

Everyone had a lot of fun playing Volleyball over the weekend!

Go Jesse! You have an amazing serve!

Joel keeping the fun going with a little jig after he did something! ;-)

Ok.... time for a little fun. Who's hand is on the left?

Everyone slowly made there way from the Volleyball courts to the soccer field
Friday night!

Jer and Siah posing for me!

Look at the big boys on the swings all by themselves!

Timothy Lipp trying to say something.

Josiah Mosher...... ya fun!

In Session

Everyone loves my flash!!

Getting some fresh air after session.

This is what Jer and Jonny do after I tell them that the flash bounces off of the ceiling. And they were complaining that is was bright! ya right! ;-)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hot and Cold

These are some more Lightroom edits.

Hope you like them.