Monday, January 19, 2009

The Thrifty Three

This afternoon Lydia, Avery and myself were out snowmobiling with the sled being pulled behind it! When we were about a mile away from the house the snowmobile started to make a weird sound. I stop and inspected the damages. After coming to the conclusion that driving it home would only make the problem worse, we considered our options. After some thought I jokingly motioned that we might be able to lift the back end of the skidoo, slide the sled under, and pull it home! We proceeded to try my new idea and found that it would work. So for the next hour plus, we pulled and pushed our blessed snowmobile back to the yard! 

Here are some picters that we took of the event

Saturday, January 17, 2009

You don't need a $500 macro lens to get a shot like this!

This was taken with a 18-70mm lens with a magnifying glass that I was holding on the end of my lens!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

Hello everyone,

We are back in out hotel room after an intence fist day of the Accademy. It was been going awsome so far. Very inspirational. I was able to meet some really cool people today from all over. Tomorrow we are going to be doing the fight sequence with Jimmy so we have to get to bed. I have have not been able to post any pictures from this hotel! :-( I really hope that I will be able to fix that problem soon though!!!

God Bless

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Third Day Of SA Trip

This is a picture that I just snapped yesterday. Thanks to
Siah for editing it for me. ;-)

Siah chilling.

this is what they look like after 11 hours in the van!

What can I say??? Joel checking his vitals on his ipod touch
(facebook and gmail) ;-)

Know this picture has a really funny story behind it. We had just left our hotel and we see this van with its back door wide open (as you can see) and we were wondering if the guy who was driving it even knew that it was open. As we past the truck we all burst out laughing. The driver was a lady and she was looking at her self in the review mirror while putting on make up!! Siah said that it made his day. ;-)

This is a cool picture of Joel. The coolest part was that he didn't know I was taking it.

Siah and I in the Super 8 room.

Lover boy talking to "someone" with a big grin across his face! ;-)

Joel working out while eating.

Siah and I about to indulge!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Second day of SA road trip

Hello everyone,

Last night we stayed at the Kings house. It was really nice. They are such a cool family and they have a really nice house.

Here are some pictures that I took at there place.

This was a really nice painting in their computer room. Can you guess who it is by?

Here are some pictures that I took today.

There were some really cool skies today.
I got Steven to take this one for me.

Steven giving Joel the evil eye!

This was some of the landscape that we saw while going through Wyoming.